Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stay Classy, Saturday.

I am working overnight, making forfty or so sandwiches, among other things. Between the hours of 4 and 6 am, I received no fewer than THREE bootycalls. I've only kissed one of these three people, and quite some time ago, I might add. My favourite was an IM that read, "Bootycall? Ha ha. I'm high. I'm just riffing."

I don't really "get" bootycalls. By "get", I mean "understand". Because...I get bootycalls. In clusters like this. One night in June, TWO people buzzed my apartment after 3:30 am. Maybe I'm showing my age here, but when did this become a "thing"? Technology has officially gone too far.

I would be flattered, but the whole thing just smacks of such laziness that more often than not, I find myself a wee bit insulted. But...thanks for trying?

In the meantime, I'll be over here. Listening to Queen and slicing roast pork.


  1. I don't think I've ever had a bootycall. One time I tried it, and it worked. I feel a little... I wish somebody would have tried a bootycall.

  2. if i knew who you were, i might consider it.

  3. strictly to boost your self-esteem. obviously.
